To Measure Quality of Care, miInsights Provides Data to Act On
August 3rd, 2018

The EBMS team is focused every day on improving the care experience for members’ well-being. A big part of that focus is leveraging data to identify and adjust to trends to reduce costs and improve outcomes.
At the 2018 EBMS Health & Business Symposium, Laura Rookhuizen, EBMS healthcare informatics analyst, said that since miInsights was introduced in 2017, work has continued to perfect this powerful tool and incorporate the data it provides into client reporting.
Laura said there are many explanations for the data showing EBMS’ per-member per-month costs running lower than the commercial benchmark for third-party administrators. Direct contracting, on-site health centers, referenced-based pricing, competitive networks and ER utilization all impact PMPM.
How would a health center impact your membership? How do preventive services programs stack up?
Good metrics can deliver answers as they measure the quality and costs of care that members receive, Laura said during her July 25 presentation. Regular reviews of your metrics, once or twice a year, provide actionable data. miInsights Premium provides the highest level of data available in the industry.
Please call 800-777-3575 with questions or to request more information on miInsights.